Wednesday, 5 May 2010

How Long Do You Want To Live.

This is the first in a series of articles on how to improve your own health.
I don’t think any one of us want to put a date on when we want to die??
We have to take charge of our own life and not let the authorities tell you it is OK for this and for that. Can you believe everything that you are told.
To help us get the most out of our lifetime, it is imperative to eat healthy and take precautions in all we do. To give you analogy or illustration, basically it’s like crossing the street, you look both ways first.
Take your drinking water, the authorities tell us that our drinking water is healthy to drink. Filter the water that you drink as a precaution. The sales in bottled water over the last few years have quadrupled. Why do you think that is?? I will let you figure this out for yourself.

A case in the United Kingdom of a whole village went sick through mismanagement of the chemicals added to the reservoir, oohps sorry was the answer back. That kind of mismanagement is the normal throughout the world today, I think you will agree with me when you look around the earth, so when I said you have to take charge of your own health I meant it as nobody is going to look after it for you.
Sorry I got sidetracked there. Back to the health issue.

To filter water all you need to do is buy the jug that takes a water filter, it takes about 1.5 litres and it is very successful in filtering daily water needs, or you can have a water filter fitted into the cold water plumbing system and all you need is to change the filter every s months or so, all depending on how contaminated the water is in your area.
NEXT ARTICLE COMING Veggies, how to get the best out of them. CHECK BACK OFTEN